You can start the gift card purchase process here.
1) Fill out the fields: Card value ($25 - $1,000 USD), Recipient email, Add your name (purchaser's name), Add a personal message (optional), Choose a date (this is the date when the recipient will receive the digital gift card via email). You can also select a different design template if desired on the bottom left.
2) After clicking Next Step at the bottom of the page you’ll need to fill out some necessary card information. You can also edit the gift card price, recipient email, your name, personal message, and date the email will be sent to the recipient fields here.
3) Before placing your order please ensure all billing information is correct and that you agree to the TickPick user agreement. This will also acknowledge that the gift card sale is final.
How do I redeem my gift card?
1) Once you receive the email please click the Copy & Redeem Now! button. This automatically copies the code for you and takes you to your My Account page. If you have not created a TickPick account yet, this will prompt you to do so.
2) You’ll now paste the code into the Redeem a Gift Code field. Once redeemed, the points add to your account and you’ll see those next to Points currently available. You can see how many points you have in the future by visiting your My Points page.