Some tickets are sent through Ticketmaster's platform. You will need a separate Ticketmaster account in order to access these tickets.
Please note: some tickets for teams are in specific account managers (ex. New York Islanders:
If you purchased tickets and are having trouble locating an email to claim your tickets, here are a couple things you can do to troubleshoot:
- If your delivery instructions note that the email you should have received is coming from Ticketmaster or the team directly, you can navigate to the teams account manager page and login or create an account using the same email you used to place your order on TickPick. Once this is completed, you should see your tickets in your team account.
- To find a team's account manager page, you can Google "Team Name" account manager. For example, here is the Green Bay Packers account manager page:
Error Messages
If you're receiving an error message from Ticketmaster when trying to claim tickets, chances are that you've met this little fella:
You may have met him for the following reasons:
- You've already claimed the tickets into your Ticketmaster account. Check your upcoming events and you may find your tickets there.
- There was a timeout when accessing Ticketmaster's platform. If you try again in a few minutes you should be able to claim the tickets.
- Your Wifi network has been flagged. Try turning your Wifi off and claiming the tickets through your cell phone data.
- You need to clear your browser cache. After doing so you should be able to claim the tickets.
If none of these solve the problem, submit a request and our team can assist you further.