We do not require professional sellers to list seat numbers for privacy reasons; however, if the seller does disclose this information, it can be found in the seller notes of the listing. The seller notes can be found by hovering your mouse over the “pad of paper” icon to the left of the delivery type.
If the seller provides a larger range of seat numbers than the quantity I'm purchasing for in the seller notes, how do I know which seats I'll be getting?
The way TickPick’s software is integrated is such that tickets will pull from high to low seat numbers. For example, if the seller’s notes indicated that their four pack includes seats 9-12 and you purchase two tickets, you would automatically receive seat 12, then 11. Please keep in mind that another individual could have purchased tickets from the same listing prior and alter the seat numbers remaining.
For this reason, unless you are purchasing all the tickets within a specific listing, it's safe to assume you will be receiving the highest seat numbers from the block of tickets.